Salaah Times Islamic Calendar

Coquitlam Prayer Times

Islamic Prayer Times (Salah, Namaz) in Coquitlam for today and the current month, October 2024, have been calculated according to the Hanafi madhhab and the Muslim World League method. The calculation methods can be adjusted if needed.

Local time
16:18, Thursday, October 03
Hijri date
30 Rabi Al Awwal 1446

Prayer Times in Coquitlam for today, October 3rd

Asr will begin in

Fajr time




Dhuhr time


Asr time


Maghrib time


Isha time


Prayer Times
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Islamic Midnight and Last Third of the Night in Coquitlam

Midnight (End of Isha)
Last Third

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:

The time for the evening (maghrib) prayer begins after sunset and lasts until the twilight ends. The time for the night (isha) prayer continues until midnight.
If it would not be too difficult for his community (ummah), the Prophet would have delayed the time for the isha prayer until one-third or halfway through the night.

Nafl Salah Times in Coquitlam for Today

Tahajjud Time
Ishraq Time
Chasht Time

Muslim Prayer Times in Coquitlam for October 2024

Day Fajr Shuruk Dhuhr Asr Maghrib Isha

Qibla direction for Coquitlam

To determine the Qibla direction from Coquitlam without using a compass, use an online map that will help you find the exact direction to face when performing prayers.

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